Patient Portal

Controlled Substance Prescribing

New Michigan laws in effect June 1, 2018 require us to change our activities around prescribing certain classes of drugs. At our outpatient locations, here are the changes you will see.

  • When a controlled substance in a quantity greater than a 3-day supply is prescribed, we will run a report of your filled prescriptions from the State of Michigan database and review it before prescribing.
  • If we prescribe an opioid, we discuss your responsibilities and confirm the discussion with a signature on our "MSU Start Talking" consent form. If you are under 18, we will include your parent or legal guardian in the discussion and signature process.
  • We are limited in the amount of medication we can prescribe.
  • You may need an appointment in instances where you didn't before, such as for a renewal of a prescription opioid.
  • We will provide follow-up care and monitor you while taking the medication. If we can't we will get you to someone nearby who can.
  • In some cases, we also may have you sign an MSU HealthTeam Controlled Substances Agreement.

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